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Aprilkind, Pricken, Stephan and Speulhof, Barbara van denThe Grumbletroll3+
Agee, JonLion lessons4+
Al-Ghani, Haitham and Al-Ghani, K. I.The Disappointment Dragon: Learning to Cope with Disappointment (for All Children and Dragon Tamers, Including Those with Asperger Syndrome)5+
Al-Ghani, Haitham and Al-Ghani, K.I.Super Shamlal – Learning and Living with Pathological Demand Avoidance4+
Al-Ghani, Haitham and Al-Ghani, K.I.The Green-Eyed Goblin - for all children including those on the Autism Spectrum (K.I. Al-Ghani children's colour story books)5+
Al-Ghani, Haitham and Al-Ghani, K.I.The Red Beast: Controlling Anger in Children with Asperger's Syndrome6+
Amos, Janine and Green, GwenAngry6+
Apsley and Brukner, LaurenHow to Be a Superhero Called Self-Control!: Super Powers to Help Younger Children to Regulate their Emotions and Senses5+
Apsley and Brukner, LaurenThe Kids' Guide to Staying Awesome and in Control: Simple Stuff to Help Children Regulate Their Emotions and Senses7+
Bellon, TeresaWe Got This! A Book About Resilience2+
Best, Charlie 'Althea' and and Jude, ConnieFeeling angry6+
Bingham, Jane and Turner, HelenAngry (QED Everybody Feels series)5+
Booth, Anne and Wilson-Owen, RobynBloom4+
Bright, JessSister, Sister10+
Brooker, Jo and Medina, SarahAngry (Feelings)5+
Butterfield, Moira and Sterling, HollyEverybody Feels... Angry4+
Christelis, Paul and Paganeli, ElisaExploring Emotions (Mindful Me series)6+
Christie, Phil, Fidler, Ruth and Powell, JonathonCan I Tell You About Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome?7+
Crowe, Caroline and Okstad, EllaTiny Tantrum2+
Demidova, Olga and Jamieson, TomThe Big Bad Mood3+
Dockrill, Laura and Karipidou, MariaAngry Cookie5+
Donovan, Sally and McHale, KaraBilly Bramble and The Great Big Cook Off8+
Douglass, Katie and Gordon, MikeFeeling Angry4+
Dunbar, PollyRed Red Red3+
Farrell, Amy, Jefferies, Rosie and Naish, SarahRosie Rudey and the Very Annoying Parent: A story about a prickly child who is scared of getting close (Therapeutic Parenting Books)5+
Farrell, Amy, Jefferies, Rosie and Naish, SarahWilliam Wobbly and the Very Bad Day: A story about when feelings become too big (A Therapeutic Parenting Book)5+
Gordon, Mike and Mitton, TonyI want to shout and stamp about - Poems about being angry3+
Gordon, Mike and Moses, BrianI feel angry4+
Graves, Sue and Guicciardini, DesideriaI Hate Everything!: A Book About Feeling Angry (Our Emotions & Behaviour)
Graves, Sue and Guicciardini, DesideriaNot Fair, Won't Share: A Book about Sharing (Our Emotions & Behaviour)4+
Greig, Louise and Sarda, JuliaSweep5+
Gurney, John StevenThe Bossy Pirate4+
Henn, SophyThe Best Worst Day Ever3+
Hewitt, Sally and James, RhianFeeling...angry4+
Jefferies, Rosie and Naish, SarahCharley Chatty and the Disappearing Pennies (Therapeutic Parenting Books)5+
Jefferies, Rosie and Naish, SarahRosie Rudey and the Enormous Chocolate Mountain: A story about hunger, overeating and using food for comfort (Therapeutic Parenting Books)5+
Kent, NicolaGrumpy hat4+
Millward, Gwen and Rowland, LucyOne Tiny Dot3+
Moses, BrianAnna Angrysaurus (Dinosaurs Have Feelings, Too)4+
Percival, TomRavi's Roar3+
Pippin-Mathur, CourtneyMaya Was Grumpy3+
Regan, LisaDon't Get Angry, Annie (You Choose!)5+
Regan, LisaNo Hitting Henry (You Choose!)6+
Shireen, NadiaBarbara Throws a Wobbler3+
Starling, RobertFergal is Fuming!3+
listed, No AuthorAnger4+