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All cats have Asperger Syndrome ISBN: 9781843104810
Hoopman, Kathy
Published by Jessica Kingsley Publications, 2006
Much younger children will enjoy the splended colour photographs of kittens and cats, but it will take a measure of sophistication to understand what this book is really about. The comparison of cats'independent ways and children with Asperger Syndrome is clever, funny and ultimately quite moving. Really aimed at parents of children with AS, young people becoming aware of their differences to others in society will also find comfort in this approach - but only if they like cats! Update 2020: There is now a new edition of this book, renamed 'All Cats Are On the Autism Spectrum''; the book has been updated and given a modern feel. Both editions are still in print. ISBN for the new edition is:9781787754713. Available as before from Amazon, from good bookshops, or from the publisher at
Age: 10+