AIDS ISBN: 9780750234436
Published by Hodder Wayland (Health Issues series), 2001
Extremely clearly written and with very detailed, frank information, this book lies on the edge of my age 12 limit. Good readers will cope, and the information is so complete and so good that I have included it in spite of some reservations. There are chapters on the history of the AIDS epidemic and research into the causes, detailed information on the HIV virus and how it attacks, the symptoms and how it spreads, protecting oneself, testing and treatment, and living with HIV and AIDS. The brief stories from sufferers and their families are harrowing, and the chapter on protection pulls no punches, from recommending faithfulness in relationships to detailed instructions on how to use a condom. There is an excellent glossary, a good list of organizations and web sites, and a complete index. Excellent for schools, and adults will find it very useful too, but you may want to use it with care with the younger age range.
Age: 11+