My parents picked me! - a first look at adoption ISBN: 9780750242660
Published by Hodder Wayland (A First Look At series), 2003
This book stresses the positive aspects to adoption - quite rightly. Here, birth parents are seen as having given something very special: life. And the adoptive parents have given a home and family and much-needed love. The book is also honest in the kinds of questions that adopted children can have: are they second best, why did their birth parents have them adopted, why don't they know more about their birth parents? These are tackled within the possible parameters of knowledge and no easy answers are given. The warm, soft-coloured illustrations with lots of reassuring rounded curves, show us different kinds of families. There is a page of advice for parents, a list of further reading, and a list of agencies having to do with fostering and adoption. A good resource for starting in-depth discussion about adoption in families.
Age: 6+