Living with a new family - Nadia and Rashid's story ISBN: 9781873868447
Published by British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, 1997
Nadia and Rashid come from a mixed race family. Their Pakistani father has died, and mum drinks and has a violent boyfriend. After being fostered, they are adopted by a Pakistani couple. Their story is told in detail and with sensitiveness both towards the children and their mother. In a long introduction, there is much useful information about working with such an emotive subject, how to prepare children, and the fact that each new situation will bring with it very different backgrounds and needs. A worksheet at the end of the book will help children adapt the story to their own circumstances. Good colour illustrations. Also in the same series and with the same format: Belonging doesn't mean forgetting 1873868456 and Hoping for the best 1873868464. Each story has a different child with different problems. All three are available from BAAF, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS.
Age: 6+