The Teazles baby bunny ISBN: 9781905664498
Published by British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF), 2008
A basic story about adoption for the youngest child. The Teazles, a bunny couple, are very happy in their burrow by a sycamore tree, except for the fact that they have no little bunnies. In rhyming couplets and gentle, charming pictures full of light and imaginative design, we see the Teazles getting their home ready for a promised baby and telling their friends how happy they are. When Mr McBadger brings their baby, he says,'This is your baby, to love as your own. I know this will be a wonderful home.' The book includes a pamphlet of guidelines for parents to use with children in talking about adoption. This is an enchanting story by people who well understand the basics that need explaining to very young adopted children. Available from BAAF, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS, Tel: 020 7421 2600.
Age: 2+