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Mission Dyslexia : Find Your Superpower and be Your Brilliant Self ISBN: 9781787752962
McNeill, Julie, McNeill, Paul and Stone, Rossie
Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2021
In this interactive book with lots of things to do and pictures to draw and things to discuss, kids with dyslexia and their parents and carers will discover all sorts of help. The three superheroes, Creatia (the creative one), Persisto (who never gives up) and Willforce (who is empathetic and encourages self-esteem) are accompanied by wonderful comic-style pictures in brilliant colour, Written and illustrated by two dyslexics and and a mum with both a dyslexic child and husband, these are people who know what they are talking about. First we are introduced to the heroes and their strengths and the villain, Mr Dyspicibilia or Mr D for short. He spends his time trying to make the dyslexic person feel sorry for him or herself, and it is only our superheroes and their superpowers who can shrivel Mr D. The style of the writing is fun and chatty. There are chapters on 'Time' and the problems it can cause, on 'Words' and the difficulties they can bring in reading, writing, spelling, listening, reading aloud, and finding and understanding information. Another chapter on getting organised covers things like making sure you have everything you need for school and life in general. The next section tells us to use our talents and skills when thinking about how to tackle a problem. Many dyslexics are excellent creatively and visually and have other special talents they can use to make life easier, and and more adaptable, and a chapter on this gives many good suggestions on using your 'Dyslexic Strengths'. Finally, practicing your skills is very important (following Persisto's advice) and also we need to recognise that there will be times when we are angry or sad or find life hard. This is natural, but talking to someone we trust and recognising the good things we are learning and doing will make all the difference. The general themes of the book are of truth and positivity about the difficulties ahead but also that in using one's 'superpowers', all will be well. Available from Hive, Amazon, good bookshops and from the publisher:
Age: 9+