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Help! My Feelings Are Too Big! ISBN: 9781785925566
Aspden, K.L. and Portier-Tock, Charlotte
Published by Jessica Kingsley, 2019
This book is for children who have what are called ‘attachment issues’ because as babies they were neglected or mistreated. We meet George, whose needs when he was a young baby were recognised by his mum and his granddad, and who is beginning the growing-up process by being confident. Asha is very different. Her mother had depression and neglected her, not responding to her cries and needs for attention. At one time she has been in care, and the end product for her mental health is very different from George’s. George believes he is worthwhile; Asha believes she is worthless. The beginnings of life are experienced through our senses, and they leave imprints in the brain – rather like footprints, little ones and big ones – and these are never forgotten. But they can be helped with a lot of hard work. Asha often gets angry and her behaviour can be very difficult. This makes it hard for teachers and other adults to help her, even when they want to. Things that happen in the present bring back memories from the past (those ‘footprints’) and this makes one react negatively. The second section on Hope gives ideas on how one can begin to help oneself in small ways – looking for a ‘safe’ person, looking for little surprises to jot down in a notebook, etc., and – finally – finding a ‘team’ to help, someone or perhaps two someones as well as yourself to manage the strong feelings you have and to realise that your ‘inner baby’ needs help. The black and white illustrations are excellent, and the advice is clear and useful; a really fine production. Available from Amazon, from book shops, and from the publisher:
Age: 8+