Did Dinosaurs Have Dentists? ISBN: 9780764356025
Published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd, 2018
This one is great for small dinosaur-lovers! On his way to the dentist with his dad, the little boy (who just might be a tad nervous) begins to think about dinosaurs and whether they ever had to brush their teeth or floss or squeeze the toothpaste tube too hard, and in the process, we learn about the names of lots of different dinosaurs - and dental terminology too. Sometimes there are bits of rhyme that are fun, and the colourful, blobby pictures of the various dinosaurs add a lot to the whole. It's a good way to learn words that at a young age will be unfamiliar but interesting, and the glossary at the back will provide facts about the eleven different dinosaurs who just might want to clean their teeth, use mouthwash, need braces or a crown, find out about cavities or dentures or fluoride - or 'did they run and hide?' Another glossary of dental terminology adds to the teaching side of the book. There's also a nice little explanation at the end as to whether dinosaurs actually had dentists which parents will enjoy at least as much or more than their children! Available from book shops, or direct from: sales@gazellebookservices.co.uk.
Age: 3+