Eat Your People! ISBN: 9781408330340
Published by Orchard Books, 2017
Terribly clever and funny, this story will appeal to a slightly older child who remains a picky eater. As it shows children being eaten - even in a ridiculous way - it might be best avoided for the usual picky two year olds. Monty does not like eating people. He loves his vegetables, but the people are 'chewy and crunchy and full of bones'. His parents say all the usual things like, stop fussing, and it's only one mouthful, and you won't get any pudding unless you eat them. Sister Monica offers to eat them for him, but mum and dad won't accept this. Monty must eat them himself. When he tries one, he spits it out because it's 'sour'. Bribery is tried then - if he clears his plate, he will get 'an extra big Monster Size helping of pudding. It's your favourite.' Monty succumbs and after eating everything (including his people) is given a huge portion of fairy cakes, complete with fairies! Given that the family is monsters, we can just about accept that monsters (if they really existed) might be people-eaters, and the illustrations are so funny and silly and enjoyable that older kids will enjoy the joke and possibly even see the point in eating whatever it is that they don't like - probably vegetables, which Monty actually likes. Family realism within an unusual family!
Age: 5+