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Tell Me about When Moms and Dads Come Home from Jail (Tell Me about Jail) ISBN: 9781785928062
Goozh, Judi and Jeweler, Sue
Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2018
Even though the main character in this book is a boy with a father coming out of jail, the book is very much relevant to children with mothers finishing a jail sentence as well. As this is an American production, some of the protocol when releasing prisoners may be different from the UK, but the ideas will be similar. In the beginning of the book, the boy comes home from school to be told by his mother that dad will be returning. As dad has been gone a long time, the lad is apprehensive. 'Would he be different? Would he still love me?' Mum explains 'parole' and 'probation' and that things may be stressful for awhile. She admits to being scared and thinks that dad probably is too, and she thinks they will all have to support each other in making adjustments. 'There will be good days and bad days for everyone.' She says he will have had training in prison about how to get a job and about the people on the outside who can help him adjust. There follow two good lists, one of which explains ways in which the boy can help his dad, and the second of which explains ways that dad can help his son. In this way, the book is really relevant to parents too. Dad's list includes things like 'to understand that mom and I had a hard time when he was in jail' and 'respect me and my privacy'. The son's list includes 'understand that he may be overwhelmed when he comes home' and 'talk with him and forgive him for our lost time'. The boy's next worry is about what he should do if he gets angry or frustrated, and the suggestions here are things like talking to someone trusted, listening to music, taking a walk, etc. Should he tell friends? This is a matter of choice, to be discussed as a family. If he does decide to tell, he must realise that some people will be judgemental. He knows in the end that even though his dad has made mistakes, that doesn't mean that he himself will, and dad's return will start a new life for them all. Excellent photos and accessible information in some detail makes this an excellent book. There is lots of information at the end, a few activities for children, and quite a lot for parents, professionals and care-givers, which includes some websites and a long bibliography. These, being American based, may not be of so much use here, but the other information certainly will be so. Available from Amazon, from book shops, and from the publisher:
Age: 6+