The eighteenth emergency
Published by:
- Red Fox (ISBN: 9780099408673)
- The Bodley Head
Benjie (Mouse to his intimates) is scared stiff. He has insulted Marv Hammerman, a big bully. He just knows Marv is going to kill him. Mum finds this hard to believe, and he can't go to dad for comfort because dad works far away. His best friend, Ezzie, tries to be encouraging, but they both know that fighting Marv Hammerman is going to mean blood. Mouse and Ezzie have often discussed what they would do in emergencies - such practical things as: if you are 'seized by a gorilla, you should relax and make soothing noises in your throat'. The 'eighteenth emergency - how to avoid Marv - has the hardest answer of all. You don't. You fight, and you let Marv's honour be restored. This is what Mouse finally does, and in so doing, earns the awed respect of his friends as well as Marv. After the one-sided fight, Mouse begins to be called Benjie by his friends because Mouse is no longer appropriate. Funny and street-wise, and the atmosphere is very well done.
Age: 9+