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Your Body is Awesome: Body Respect for Children ISBN: 9781848192287
Bjarkadottir, Bjork and Danielsdottir, Sigrun
Published by Singing Dragon, 2014
This terrific general picture book about people's bodies emphasises having respect, not only for your own body, but for other people's too. The body is 'like our house'. We live in it and can do all sorts of things with it. It can feel great in lots of different ways, and it can tell us what it needs in order for us to feel our best - not by talking, but by feelings: hunger, fullness, tiredness, needing the loo, etc., and when we listen to our bodies needs, we should obey them. There are simple exercises to do to help us understand how our bodies work, and we need to know how brilliant they are at digesting food, keeping the heart beating, and fighting illnesses. But they also need care, good food, exercise, rest and time to heal when we are hurt or ill. Bodies are different too - different heights, different weights, different skins, and different hair. Each one is special, just like flowers, and we can enjoy and respect every different kind of body just like we enjoy different flowers. Every body is good and we must treat other people's bodies with respect too. There is an element of concern in this book (and rightly so) that when children don't respect other's bodies, bullying can occur, and while it never says this explicitly, it does make it clear just how important it is to treat everyone equally so far as their body shape or colour is concerned: 'It is also important to allow others to be happy about the way they are.' The book is a riot of colour and shape and fun, with integrated text at some points, along with lots of different bodies doing lots of different things. Super! Available from Amazon, from good book shops, and from the publisher at
Age: 4+