Who Loves Baby? ISBN: 9781848122369
Published by Piccadilly Press Ltd, 2011
I am not sure if this family is raccoons or lemurs - or perhaps something entirely made up - but they are rather cuddly and lovable. The older child just gets snuggled up with mum on the sofa, ready to read a story, when the bell goes and 'the Gooey Gang' arrive. They make cooing noises over the baby, about how lovely he is, and the older sibling wonders why they don't know that 'Baby is icky and sicky and pongy and pooey.' The older one is disgusted and goes to his room where he tells his Teddy that he is definitely not one of 'the gooey gang' and Teddy agrees because the baby chews his ears. But they also agree that the baby's new pram is rather splendid, and wouldn't it be nice for Teddy to have a ride in it? Indeed it would, agrees the amenable Ted, and down they go. With mum watching from the kitchen, we see the older child leaning over the pram, where Baby is sleeping, and put the Teddy in the pram. But then something surprising happens: Baby grabs his older brother's finger and holds on tight. How strong he is and his head is soft and warm, and when his eyes open, they look at his older brother 'and look and look, like they never want to stop.' He is smitten, though he doesn't like to admit it. Perhaps Teddy will be the baby's friend now, he tells his mother, and all three of them sit on the sofa for a story. This lovely and gentle story, with its animals who are really people, is full of beautiful watercolour pictures that provide warmth and love and an understanding mum who knows that her older child has been suffering the pangs of jealousy and lets him discover for himself that the baby sibling can be lovable.
Age: 2+