Shaun the Shy Shark ISBN: 9781905434206
Published by Red Robin Books, 2008
Shaun is not like other sharks. He doesn't like being scary, and he prefers being alone, reading in a quiet corner. Even small fish can frighten him, and whales make him 'wobble with fear'. The other sharks tease him and call him a sissy, but he isn't; he's just shy. Shaun likes colour, though, and when he is alone, sometimes he dances, much to the merriment of the other sharks. Feeling sad and lonely, he goes down to the bottom of the sea and finds a shipwreck where he decides to live. But what is this? Inside the old ship are lots of other sea creatures who have all found this a place of refuge. They are all 'different' too: an octopus who is tied up in knots, a clam who has 'clammed up', a swordfish with a broken sword, a flying fish who is afraid of heights. All of these and more live in the wreck, but when Shaun asks to join them, they are rather afraid that he might want to eat them. He is reassuring, and when they find a treasure chest full of jewels, they are all so pleased that they join in one of Shaun's happy dances. Rather unbelievably, they start up a nightclub, the Nurvus Wreck, where Shawn's dancing is the hit performance, and they all live happily (and with enhanced self-esteem) ever after! If one can accept the ending, the story is a good one, and I suppose as they are all sea creatures, one might as well accept that fish with low self-esteem could find jewels in a wreck and start a night club! The pictures are very bright and fun and full of colour.
Age: 3+