How It Feels to Be Adopted ISBN: 9780575051829
Published by Orion Children's Books , 1991
Articulate and engaging American children talk about their feelings about being adopted, and while there are differences in each of the 19 situations, some common worries emerge. For instance, they worry about whether adoptive parents would be hurt if the child decides to search for his or her birth parents; they are concerned during biology lessons at school; they sometimes blurt out their feelings about wanting to go back to their birth parents when they are angry. There are three single adoptive parents, one who is elderly and was widowed after adopting four children. The children range in age from 8 to 16, and while all have questions and have thought deeply and long about their adoption, they are happy as they are. Three of the children have met their birth mothers. A preface to the British edition of the book explains the differences in British and American law. There is a list of helpful agencies.
Age: 9+