Emmy's Eczema (Dinosaur Friends) ISBN: 9780750270557
Published by Wayland, 2012
Emmy, a gray, spotted dinosaur, likes to play with her three friends, Rex, Dachy and Steggie, but sometimes she gets itchy spots on her legs, and the other three ask questions: 'Is it sore? Does it hurt? Can I touch it?' These questions make Emmy cross and grumpy, and sometimes she feels she just has to scratch. Emmy's mum makes a special cream for her out of flowers, but Emmy doesn't really like the sticky feel of the cream even though it helps the itchiness. One day when Emmy's mum has run out of cream, she sends the four friends to the Jurassic meadow to collect more flowers, and on the way, Emmy's eczema starts itching again. The others try to stop her scratching, but she just has to. When they finally get to the meadow and play amongst the flowers, she finds the itchiness goes away, and she realises that '...maybe her mum's eczema cream wasn't too sticky after all!' There are few books about eczema available, and this gentle approach to the problems it can bring and the necessity of treatments that one doesn't like is a real plus. The little dinosaurs, being great friends, can say things to each other and accept each other in ways that doctors and nurses might find difficult. The illustrations are a treat. Full of colour and activity, they sing with personality.
Age: 3+