Be Brave ISBN: 9780980871012
Published by Jojo Publishing, 2012
The children in this book are being brave for a very important reason: they have been hurt, either physically or emotionally. It starts by explaining that everyone has to be brave some time in their lives, and that this can be very hard to do. Then we learn about the different reasons we might have to be brave, finishing on the fact that the hardest thing to be brave about is when someone has hurt us. The story goes on to say that being hurt can affect us in various ways; we might change inside, and other people may notice we are different in some way. The person who is doing the hurting will do his/her best to make sure we don't tell anyone what is happening and make us feel we are in the wrong. This is never right. Hurting someone is always wrong. The big answer to all this is to tell someone - a safe person - who can help. This will take courage and will be scary, and we may feel that there are good reasons not to tell. But if we persevere and find someone to trust, help is always there. The pictures, while comic in style with speech bubbles, are serious and illustrative of the sadness of those being abused. This should be an excellent source for those working with bullied or abused children, and the level of understanding and detail will be reassuring. Having been published in Australia, the book is available in the UK from Amazon, good book shops, and from the distributor in this country: (Tel: 0152468765).
Age: 6+