Lulu Reads to Zeki ISBN: 9781907825040
Published by Alanna, 2011
This is brilliant for preparation for a new baby in the family. Lulu loves stories. She and mum or dad always have a story before bedtime, and in the run-up before the arrival of the baby, books play a big part. When Zeki comes, Lulu takes him a soft book as her first present. It is admitted that Zeki cries a lot - because he's hungry or needing a change or having a bath or is tired - and Lulu is always there with a story or a book to help. She likes to help mummy and daddy too: 'Being a big sister is a big job.' Lulu's parents always have time to read her her bedtime story, and this happy little girl accept Zeki joyously. The illustrations (of a black family) are joyous too and full of happy family life.
Age: 2+