Death (The Real Deal) ISBN: 9780431908113
Published by Heinemann Library, 2009
In this series of books aimed at upper primary and secondary children, a range of topics about health and emotions are covered Quite detailed information includes Case Study, Newsflash and Top Tips boxes. 'What do you think' sections give areas for discussion. Photographs add greatly to the whole. This book about death and all its associated emotional problems gives excellent information on the different ways people die, the range of emotions people experience and how each person handles them differently, rituals such as funerals, wakes and memorial services are explained (though nothing about burial or cremation), and we learn the importance of reaching out to people who are grieving. Sensitively aimed at young people who have lost someone dear as well as at those just interested in learning about the facts surrounding death, the book also gives ways of remembering those who have gone, tributes of various kinds, etc. There is a page at the end: Facts about Death which is made up of interesting bits of information. As this series as a whole is particularly useful for schools and project work, the glossary, a list of other books and websites, and an index are welcome additions.
Age: 10+