My Sister is an Alien! ISBN: 9780141502656
Published by Puffin, 2010
Alfie has a new baby sister, Ruby. But Alfie isn't really very interested in Ruby; he is only interested in aliens, rockets and the moon. When he hears mum talking about being 'over the moon' about the baby's arrival and dad's saying they must make space for her, he only hears 'moon' and 'space', and this, along with the fact that she looks, sounds and 'smells' like an alien, makes him decide she is one and that she belongs back on the moon. So, he puts on his spacesuit and takes her in his rocket to the moon. They find lots of other aliens there, all babies like Ruby, and all very friendly, but just as Alfie is about to leave to go home again, he realises that he would be very sad if Ruby was left behind. Perhaps she would like to come back with him 'for just a little bit longer'. 'Goo,' she says, and back they go. Alfie has realised that he and his little sister can share games together and that she is special after all. This is a lovely book. The text is integrated with the pictures throughout and there are great swathes of colour. The picture of Alfie inside his spaceship and Ruby outside, about to be left behind, and the expressions on both their faces are movingly done. One gets the feeling that Alfie has never admitted to himself that he finds his small sister a pain. He tells himself that he is taking her back to the moon because she is homesick, not because he wants her out of his life. Quite unique.
Age: 2+