Eating Disorders (Emotional Health Issues) ISBN: 9780750249102
Published by Wayland, 2008
After an introduction, this book contains detailed chapters on anorexia, bulimia and bingeing and overeating. These are followed by a section on the symptoms and effects of these conditions, which is very honest and alarming - changes in behaviour, circulation problems, the absence of periods, brittle bones and teeth, stomach problems, damaged organs (including the heart and liver) and so it goes on, some minor, but mostly major complications. A chapter on the causes of eating disorders covers stress and pressure, the fact that teenagers with these conditions are often high achievers, the problems of peer pressure and media stories about famous people, sexual abuse, sporting pressure, and family problems. The next chapter is on getting help, and here we find out about therapists, nutritionists, and what happens when teenagers have to go into hospital. Finally, we learn about keeping well - good diet and a healthy lifestyle. Hard-hitting, with lots of statistics, case studies and focus boxes, the book will be very useful in schools. There is a glossary, an index, and a list of organizations and websites for further information.
Age: 11+