I don't want to go to bed ISBN: 9781842702239
Published by Andersen Press, 2003
Super! Another Little Princess book! This time she doesn't want to go to bed, and being an anarchic little person, she makes the greatest fuss possible. She wants a drink, then her stuffed animal, Gilbert, wants a drink. Then she says there's a monster, and when that doesn't work, Gilbert says there's a monster. On it goes. But when she finally does go to bed, the King goes to check on her and finds she's missing. Panic! The whole court searches high and low, and the maid finds her curled up in the cat basket with the cat and Gilbert - protecting them from monsters. Of course, next morning she's tired and want her bed.... These books are great fun for both children and parents because of the peculiar settings in a court like none other, and this one will handle the putting-off-bedtime problem with panache.
Age: 2+