Our New Baby (Thoughts and Feelings) ISBN: 9780749675004
Published by Franklin Watts, 2008
Although this book is mainly about what children feel when a new sibling arrives in the family, it also gives us the lead-up to the baby's coming - an egg and sperm joining (though with no details as to how), mum getting bigger, scans, mum being tired and sometimes sick, getting a room ready, etc. Mixed feelings are admitted, facts about newborn babies and how to handle them are covered; and running through are children talking about their feelings of jealousy, of being left out, of mum and dad being tired and not having time for the older child. However, there are lots of positives too: talking to the baby, making it laugh, helping feed it (with a remarkable photo of a baby covered in strained green veg), and helping keep the baby safe. A good practical suggestion is for an older child to give a younger sibling who might be feeling leftout more of his or her time. Colour photos of children talking about their feelings, as well as cartoon stories, help make the information accessible, and an index, a list of helpful addresses and websites, as well as a list of further reading, make it excellent for school projects.
Age: 6+