Blindness (Explaining) ISBN: 9780749682552
Published by Franklin Watts, 2009
One of a sophisticated and detailed series of books on disabilities and diseases. In this one we learn about conditions which can cause visual impairment, including genetics, cataracts, diabetes, nystagmus, trachoma, retinal detachment, and others. We also learn about colour and night blindness, about eye tests, about optical aids and coping strategies at home and at school, lots of information about special equipment and coping in sports nd leisure and at work, and an interesting last chapter on possible new developments in gene therapy, bionic eyes, virtual retinal displays and mobility aids. Lots of case studies, diagrams and photos help make the information interesting and accessible, though I did come slightly adrift on an explanation of osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis, which is a surgical technique involving a tooth, the patient's cheek and a piece of jawbone! Fascinating, though I never worked out how it helps a damaged cornea. The book will be of real use to parents as well as children and should provide an excellent basic overview of the conditions that can cause blindness and partial sightedness. The usual glossary, index and list of further reading and websites make it very useful for school projects as well.
Age: 10+