Diabetes (Explaining) ISBN: 9780749682590
Published by Franklin Watts, 2008
One of an impressive series of books on various health problems and disabilities. In this one, we are given detailed information on type 1 and type 2 diabetes, symptoms and treatment; how they are diagnosed; hypos and what must be done to treat them; the importance of looking after the eyes, skin and feet and the specific problems that can develop if one does not do so; healthy eating and drinking (including alcohol); taking exercise and doing sports; the stresses on family life that a diabetic member can bring; how to cope at school; and information on new research for the future. While honest and forthright, there is much emphasis on diabetics being able to life life to the full so long as they take responsibility for their glucose levels. A brief history of the development of knowledge about diabetes is most interesting; it is surprising to realise how recent most of that knowledge is. While this book will be of great use in schools (glossary, index and lists of websites and further reading included) it will also be of real interest to families with a recently diagnosed member.
Age: 10+