It's not fair! ISBN: 9781853408977
Published by Piccadilly Press, 2007
'When Mum and Dad brought my baby brother home, everyone fussed over him.' This is the first of many 'unfair' happenings in little kitten's life. Everyone helps the baby while the little girl kitten must do things for herself. When he makes messes, no one minds; when she does, she's in trouble. He gets to ride when they go out; she must walk. And so it goes until...she discovers she can do things he isn't allowed to - like, walk in the rain, slide down the hill, go to playgroup, and stay up late. There are swings and roundabouts, and when little brother begins to talk, one of his first sentences is: 'It's not fair!. A charming story with super illustrations which will help an older sibling come to terms with the new baby in his or her life.
Age: 3+